24 January 2012

Keyword - Most Important term in SEO

Keywords are the most important SEO item for every search engine. Choosing the right keyword is thus the first thing to success. If we fail in this very first thing, we will only waste our time and money. There are many ways to find which keywords best suit for us and the online population is searching for.

1. What are the keywords that describe our website best?
2. What are the keywords our competitors have chosen?
3. Most importantly what the online population is searching for?

Keywords will come later don't miss...

23 January 2012

How to choose a SEO friendly domain...

There are thousands of websites in the Internet “seeking” people’s attention, we have to do something to appear in the front row & be noticed. We do not want our website to be left alone in cyber world. I suggest starting our website project with choosing a SEO friendly domain.
Before start a website, especially for a business, there are many aspects to be considered. Choosing and buying a keyword oriented domain will not make us a hero but it may indirectly increase our visitors as Google will see links that use our domain name for comparison. So why not get a domain name that not only reaches our audience but also help us to get a little higher search results. It is known that Google tends to give weight to keywords in the domain name. That is why we must find out and use the right keyword or keyword oriented domain which describes our website.
Let’s say that - we wish to create a web design company site. First thing to be is to check for keywords that describes our business. Write down key words and phrases that our clients can reach us through search engine. Now we have to make sure that the keywords are a part of the search terms that people actually use when trying to find out product/service on the web. I suggest using the keyword tool – it helps to find out how often those keywords are in fact used in searches.
Play some time with the keyword tool and I’m sure you will enjoy choosing a successful domain name. Try to avoid choosing multi-term (multi-term-etc.com) domains. Such domains have limited SEO value. It is important that you opt for a .com possibility, because ‘.com’ tends to receive higher ranks in search engines than websites using other extensions.

22 January 2012

New to SEO?

Why not take three minutes...                                                                    Just take a look
Follow this SEO Blog to find everything u need to know...
Before we go for a website the first thing we need is domain.

Look forward for keywords & keyword tools…

21 January 2012


Whenever you search for a query in any search engine, you get a list of web results that contain that query term. Users normally tend to visit websites that are at the top of this list as they perceive those to be more relevant to the search term. If you have ever wondered why some of these websites rank better than the others then you must know that it is because of a powerful web marketing technique called Search Engine Optimization (SEO).
SEO is a technique which helps search engines find and rank your site higher than millions of other sites in response to a search query. SEO thus helps you get traffic from search engines.
This will covers all the necessary information you need to know about Search Engine Optimization - what is it, how does it work and the ranking criteria of major search engines. Keep following...